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Czech government has approved the continuation of territorial protection of waterway connection Danube-Oder-Elbe PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tomáš Kolařík   
Monday, 24 May 2010 17:53

Czech government today approved the proposal of the Ministry for Regional Development, which refers to how a territorial corridor protection of waterway connection Danube-Oder-Elbe. The territory will continue to be protected by the territorial reserve territorial planning documentation, and until further decision by the Government in this matter.

Defining areas of territorial reserves provides protection for the examination of the possibilities for its future use. This measure does not allow the project to be checked. Territorial area of the reserve does not change the status quo, but rather protects it from changes in fundamental nature (§ 36 paragraph 1 of the Building Act). Protecting the existing condition of the land can cause negative effects on the environment or on sites of European importance and bird areas. 

Examination of the possibility of using the area of territorial reserves for the location of a specific project, can lead to a proposal to amend the territorial reserve stoppable surface (§ 2 para 1. J Building Act) or any other viable land use, but may also lead to the deletion of the territorial reserve territorial planning documentation. This happens when you update or amend the planning documentation.

The Government of the Republic today due to the characteristics of the territorial reserve, and so far relied on regional protection corridor průplavního links DOL decided that it is necessary to maintain and safeguard the territorial delimitation of reserves in the territorial planning documentation - and until a government decision on further action.


Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
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