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Current situation of D-O-E project

To understand this European project is important to note that the Czech Republic is the only country in all 27 states of the European Union, which is not directly or by quality waterway connected to the sea. When price of each product includes 40 to 60% cost of transportation so we can conclude that it is increasingly falling into economic isolation within the EU.

This disadvantageous position in Europe was well known fo our ancestors and therefore, in 1901, they went ahead and prepared gradual construction of the most important European waterway which thanks to the favorable geographical location (Moravian Gate) goes through our territory. Since then, continuously, with the exception of the last 22 years from 1989 to 2011, took place construction of water works and waterways towards the target state, ie, connect three waterway systems of Danube, Oder and Elbe.

Between 1901 to 1989 was built a 39 water works for navigation on the Elbe, Oder and Morava rivers, this development went smoothly, regardless of nationality, social, military and political events throughout the 90 years, and this preparation for the finish the European project was stopped after 1989 for the whole 22 years.

Historical mistake was to start work with upgrading follow waterways (Elbe, Vltava, and Morava rivers), rather than building the D-O-E waterway. 


Waterway parameters

The waterway is desgined with the following dimensions:

  • Waterway class Vb
  • The permissible length of pushed convoys (m): 185
  • The permissible length of the motor vessels (m): 135
  • Permissible vessel width (m): 11,4
  • Permissible draft (m): 2,8
  • Maximum capacity of convoys (t): 4 000
  • Maximum capacity of motor vessels (t): 2 700
  • Length of navigation locks (m): 190
  • Width of navigation locks (m): 12,5
  • Fairway width (m): 40,0
  • Width of the trapezoidal profile of the waterway at the surface (m): 54,0
  • The depth of trapezoidal profile of the waterway (m): 4,0 to 5,0
  • Minimum curve radius Rmin (m): 800
  • Exceptionally allowable curve radius Rmin min (m): 650
  • Clearance height under the bridges (m): 7,0

Cross section diagram of water corridor DOE - a basic variant (trapezoidal profile).


Cross section diagram of water corridor DOE - a variant suitable for confined space, such as built-up area (rectangular profile).


The construction of the water corridor is divided into 4 stages:

1st stage involves the connection of South Moravia with Danube by waterway and canalisation of Odra River to Ostrava.

2nd stage connect Hodonin and Prerov, here would be used water works made ​​during the construction of the Bata canal in 1930s.

3rd phase connect Ostrava and Prerov.

4th stage connect Prerov, Olomouc and Pardubice.

The centerpiece of the water corridor D-O-E should become a city of Prerov, where branchces of DOE corridor meets.


Currently under consideration is the route waterway building ban.

The European Council in its resolution 1473 (2005) called on Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and Poland to speed up the feasibility study of Danube-Oder-Elbe project and intensify political negotiations. Czech government recently extended building enclosure along the route of the waterway.

 Schematic map of the water corridor DOE routes with stages and variants


Recent policy decisiond about water corridor D-O-E

31st December 2007 - Inter-Ministerial Commission recommends that the Government extend the territorial protection of waterways route Danube - Oder - Elbe on Regional Studies reality and effectiveness of territorial protection of DOE water corridor.

26th January 2008 - The government had until March to decide to go ahead with the Danube-Oder-Elbe.

29th March 2008 - Five of the six ministries is recommended to protect the water corridor route Danube-Oder-Elbe.

22nd February 2008 - Olomouc region approved the retention of territorial reserves for DOE water corridor

16th September 2008 - City of Prerov approved the retention of territorial reserves for DOE water corridor

October 2008 - Zlín Region approved the retention of territorial reserves for DOE
water corridor 

26th January 2009 - Government Resolution č.116/2009 postponed a decision on territorial defense of the canal in March 31, 2009.

April 2009 - from the website of the Ministry for Regional Development Studies presentation disappeared truth and rationality průplavního connection Danube-Oder-Elbe. Supporters of the canal was placed in an alternative location.

20th April 2009
- Minister of Transport Bendl should submit the document "Proposal for a forward operation and construction of waterways in the context of the feasibility and practicality of territorial protection průplavního connection Danube - Oder - Elbe". The proposal was withdrawn from the action of the government for political adversity. Ministry of Transport stated that the project of the Danube-Oder-Elbe continue to count and has his full support.

11th May 2009 - New transport minister Gustav Slamečka wants to solve the territorial protection of the aquatic corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe as one of its priorities.

20th July 2009 - The government has approved draft planning policies CR 2008th In it is given waterway Danube-Oder-Vah. Průplavního connection Danube-Oder-Elbe concerns related to government decree No. 929th
It requires the Minister for Regional Development to preserve, organize and implement, in cooperation with the ministers of transport and environmental protection of the existing territorial corridor průplavního connection Danube - Oder - Elbe until the government's decision on further action by the government and the design method of additional protection to 31 December 2009.

Minister of Transport requires the cooperation with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to examine the need for international průplavního spojení zajistit DOL and discuss this corridor průplavního conjunction with representatives of the Republic of Poland, Austria, Slovak Republic, Federal Republic of Germany and the European Commission, including the signatories of the European Agreement on main inland waterways of international importance (AGN Agreement and the Accession Treaty to the European Union and the Trans-European Transport Network / TEN-T /), to assess the full European context the issue of its possible implementation, the transmission efficiency and investment performance of individual branches and submit to the Government by 31 . December 2010 information on the results of this review.
30th July 2009 - Proposal for a European Parliament and the Council on Community guidelines for the development of trans-European transport network for the construction of the canal to DOL at the horizon 2020

26th November 2009 - After a series of Polish-Czech meeting at ministerial level, the Republic of Poland expressed interest in joining the Danube-Oder-Elbe. In preparation for this project will be restored Czech-Polish working group eye, which is preparing a waterway Ostrava-Koźle-Oder (OKO). At the hearing, was also presented the possibility of financing from European funds, the DOE under the new Financial Perspectives 2014-2020 after the construction of the French Canal Seine-North Europe. After receiving a formal proposal to the Czech participation in the Polish side of the DOE project will be prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure Team for TEN-T. The proposed project is also associated with the proposed central European transport corridor - CETC, which is supported in Oderske regions in Poland and the Czech Republic.

15th December 2009 - Another key player in international negotiations DOE corridor is the Slovak Republic. Bilateral negotiations with representatives of the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications was held on 15 12th 2009 at Bratislava. Czech delegation was headed by Dr.. Paul Škvára and Slovak State Secretary Mr Milan MOJŠ. The Slovak party said that the Slovak National General is prepared program implementation of the Action Programme to promote inland navigation NAIADES, issued by the European Commission in 2006. As a priority in the development of waterways in the Slovak Republic 2013 is mentioned security sufficient conditions for navigation on the waterway Vážské its navigable section. However, the Slovak side has created territorial reserve for future construction průplavního connection Danube - Oder - Elbe in response to a comprehensive comparison of alternative solutions in the concentration in the Slovak Republic. Slovak side also expressed its interest in participation to submit joint applications for assistance from the EU for processing international research project, DOE.

13th January 2010 - Economic Committee of the Parliament of the CR has adopted a resolution which recommended that the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Environment to continue to protect regional multipurpose water corridor Danube - Oder - Elbe. Asks the ministers to decide by mutual agreement of the preparation and financing of this corridor.

2nd February 2010 - The Government of the Republic adopted a proposal for short-term measure for a solution to the crisis and deal with its consequences. At the meeting of the Council of Economic and Social Agreement of the Czech Republic second February 2010, the government sides agreed to 38 points, which may help to improve the economic and social environment in the CR and the start of economic growth. Among these is prirotami Item No. 15 regarding the construction of navigation levels on the Elbe.

15th Create conditions for a final decision on the improvement of navigation conditions on the Elbe River through construction of navigation and the degree Přelouč Decin - construction of dams on the Elbe River (see also Government Resolution of 23 3rd 2005 No. 337). Refers to: MD Government of the CR + CR + CR ME Date of performance: ongoing 2010

The original proposal also included a decision on the water DOE: "Deciding to build a connection průplavního Danube - Oder - Elbe, using EU funds to the priority the construction of dams on the Elbe."
24th March 2010 - Another meeting was held with the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany 24 March 2010 in Berlin. The Czech side proposed to the German delegation the possibility of submitting a joint request by the European Commission concerning the financial contribution to process analytical studies to assess the transport, economic, water supply benefits and environmental impacts. German party, led by Director General of Section Mr. Klingenem waterways, said that given the fact that she mentioned the possible construction of multi průplavního link directly affect the local and at the same time is clearly important in this connection for the realization of inland waterways in the sessions and the Germany, currently has no interest in participating in award and treatment of such studies. But it promised to deliver if necessary, appropriate statistical and technical data, as well as the possibility of utilization of scientific water management institutes in Germany.

28th April 2010 - The Polish delegation of the Ministry of Infrastructure signed in Prague, together with representatives of the Czech Ministry of Transport Annex to the Memorandum of 12 April 2000 on cooperation in preparation for implementation of Odra waterway in the section of the Ostrava-goat. Appendix allows, inter alia, reactivation of the Czech-Polish working group. The Polish delegation also discussed a request by the Czech side to the European Commission on European funding feasibility studies, project water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe and Oder update for 2006 so that Oderská waterway corridor conform to the parameters of water Danube-Oder-Elbe (Waterway Class Vb).

24th May 2010 - The government has approved the proposal of the Ministry for Regional Development, which refers to how a territorial corridor protection průplavního connection Danube-Oder-Elbe. The territory will continue to be protected by the territorial reserve territorial planning documentation, and until further decision by the Government in this matter.

25th May 2010 - On 25 May 2010 meeting was held with the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Austria, and the urgency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, respectively. Embassy of the Republic in Vienna. Negotiations for the Czech side of the Deputy Minister of Transport database. Mgr. Paul Škvára and Head of the Austrian delegation was Mrs. Claudia black face, the Cabinet Deputy Federal Minister of Transport of Austria. Austria party said that the issue of construction of multi-link průplavního Danube-Oder-Elbe is a very sensitive issue in Austria. Territory, which would be the construction of DOE corridor in some variants in Austria could touch, is included in the system of protected areas NATURA 2000, while it is a protected area within the meaning of the Austrian national legislation.

Furthermore, the Austrian delegation noted that it is not yet completed the final selection of options for the possible construction of a connection Danube-Oder-Elbe in Austria, because there is currently defending ensured the route for this connection. It should also be taken into account that due to limited financial resources, which are for construction and modernization of infrastructure for inland navigation in Austria are available, is a clear priority for further improvement of the Danube waterway and canal links the Danube-Oder-Elbe is part of a plan of routes Austria 2013. The Austrian side, however, if necessary, provide the basis for a study described by the Czech side, which covers issues related to the water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe, although its direct involvement in the implementation of this study to the above reasons does not count.

19th January 2011 - The government has approved the proposal of the Ministry of Transport, which covers the need for checkup water corridor Danube - Oder - Elbe. Government Resolution No. 49/2011 requires the Minister of Transport to continue in work with the 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to examine the need of the water corridor Danube - Oder - Elbe and discussion the waterway corridor, together with representatives of the Republic of Poland, Austria, Slovak Republic, Federal Republic of Germany and the European Commission, including the signatories of the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International significance (the AGN) (accession agreement and trans-European transport network / TEN-T /), to assess the full context of the European issues of its possible implementation, the transport efficiency and investment performance of individual branches and submit until 31 December 2013 about the outcome of the checkup.

The area will continue to be protected by provisions in the spatial planning documentation until further decision by the Government. On the basis of government resolution Czech Ministry of Transport prepare feasibility study of water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe.