Sunday, 27 Oct 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 1 - Is inland water transport a consistent part of the modern transport sytem?

YES. In all developed countries correctly appraising the economic and ecological advantages of inland water transport is a full-fledged partner of road and rail. See more...


2 - Will river vessels be competetive in the age of highways and high-speed railways? 

YES. The specific economic advantages of inland navigation will retain their value. What's more, major reserves exist today in the development of water transport technology which if correctly applied, will further enhance these advantages.


3 - Is water transport the ecologically most advantageous mode of transport?

YES. Water transport has the least detrimental effect on the ecological standards of air and water emits the least amount of noise and causes the least number of fatal accidents. What's more, it is the least demanding mode of transport where power and material consumption is concerned. As regards exhalations, water transport in the Czech Republic is actually more advantageous than electrified railway transport supplied by energy from thermal power stations.


4- Does the Czech Republic possess suitable conditions for a broader utilization of water transport?

YES. The territory of the Czech Republic offers as suitable conditions for waterway construction as other states of Central and West Europe.


5 - Is the draft project of Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor comparable in its technical and ecological aspects with the standards of modern European waterways? 

YES. The Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor may develop into one of the operationally most efficient elements of the European waterway network and at the same time contributes positively to the quality of living and natural environment.


6 - Is the Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor retaining its significance for transport after the completion of the Rhine-Main-Danube waterway? 

YES. For the Czech economy and for the European waterway network is the role of the Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor irreplaceable. Both major waterways connect different economic centers of Europe. No competition between them can be supposed.


7 - Will the Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor be adequately used for transport purposes?

YES. The layout of the waterway, its parameters and especially the economic potential of the adjacent areas guarantee that the project will prove highly attractive.


8 - Will there be enough water to ensure the operation of the Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor?

YES. The water corridor will not overburden the balance of our management of water supplies. On the contrary, it may help to increase the total capacity of usable water resources in the river-basin area of the Morava, the Elbe and the Oder rivers and thus substantially limit the construction of further dams.


9 - Does the Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor contribute to the increase of employment in the Czech Republic?

YES. The construction of the water corridor itself will create almost 37 000 of working opportunities for approximately 5-10 years. The operation of D-O-E will secure over 5 600 working positions permanently. The greatest number of permanent working opportunities (over 32 000) will  be secured by consequential economic activities being concentrated mostly in areas suffering from unemployment.  See more...


10 - Will the Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor promote tourism?

YES. Public interest in the riverside type of recreation and in aquatic sports is increasing and seems to be concentrating more and more on the waterways. The Danube-Oder-Elbe project meets this interest on an impressive scale. See more...


11 - Is the construction of the Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor realistic under the existing economical conditions?

YES. The connection represents the final aim of waterway development. This aim can be reached step by step - similarly as in case of roads, highways and railways. Necessary financial cover does not exceed the proportion of water transportation in the total transport performance.


12 - Is the financial backing of the gradual construction ot he Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor a realistic project?

YES. Essentially four models of financing are available and it is necessary to choose the optimal strategy which then should be given due political and contractual backing 


13 - Is gradual implementation of the Danube-Oder-Elbe water corridor project dependent on a substantive political decision?

YES. The implementation of the project is not obstructed by objective factors but, in particular, by the vagaries of governmental jurisdiction. It is the absence of the control and management structure on the adequate level (similar to the existing generously funded organizations ensuring development of motorways and railways) that hinders the road to an efficient technological, ecological, and social solution.


14 - Will the water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe help to protect towns and villages along its route from floods?

YES. The main benefits of the water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe in the sphere of flood protection is based in the transformation of flood waves (reduction of peak flows) and also in increasing the throughput of flood flow at critical points, which occurs due to insufficient capacity of the river beds to the most serious flood damage. Using the synergies of technical works and natural retention areas can be effective and can nearly eliminate the adverse effects of natural floods, even the big ones, so-called centennial. Therefore it is necessary to take treat the flood measures comprehensively. Water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe offers association funds from multiple sources for maximum benefit and return. See more...