Tennessee - Tombigbee waterway (USA) |
Tennessee - Tombigbee waterwayThe United States is served by an extensive inland waterway system unparalleled in the World. Completed in December 1984 after 12 years of construction at a cost of nearly $2 billion, the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway is one of the most modern components of this world class transportation network. It provides a low cost and energy efficient trade link between the Sunbelt states and 14 river systems totaling some 4500 miles of navigable waterways that serve mid-America. The 234 - mile waterway begins at its northern end at Pickwick Lake on the Tennessee River, flows through northeast Mississippi and west Alabama, and connects with the established Warrior-Tombigbee navigation system at Demopolis, Alabama. From there, commerce travels northward as far as Port Birmingham, Alabama or south to Mobile, Alabama, and other destinations along the Gulf coast. Commercial traffic has steadily grown each year since the waterway opened in 1985. About 8 million tons are shipped each year. Source: Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority
Shippers and producers have access to a full range of public ports and terminals throughout the region served by the Tenn-Tom Waterway. Many of these facilities can also provide intermodal services, warehousing, bagging, and other special needs.
A two-barge tow and tourist boats traveling through the 234-mile Tennessee - Tombigbee waterway. The lock system raises and lowers commerce a total of 341 feet. The Tenn-Tom can save waterborne commerce as much as 800 miles in distance traveled between Mid-America and deep water ports along the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Source: Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority
More information about the project can be found here:Official website of Tennessee - Tombigbee waterway We informed about the Tennessee-Tombigbee waterway in the journal Waterways and inland navigation 1/1993 on pages 29-34. |