Tuesday, 04 Mar 2025
Development of ports and logistics centers

Development of ports and logistics centers

Manufacturers and transporters will have access to many public ports and terminals in the regions served by water corridor D-O-E. Many of these facilities can also provide intermodal services, storage, and other special services.

On the water corridor D-O-E will be not only transported the goods transshipped in Czech ports, but will be carried the same, if not the most of the transit of goods intended for shipment to foreign ports, i.e. goods that have been transported through our area by road. Under these assumptions, it is possible then calculate the total initial operation of about 2-3 million tons and in the future with 6-8 million tons of goods transported trough water corridor D-O-L per year.

Ports, logistics centers and terminals could develop anywhere along the route, where it will be necessary and useful, practically all the cities along the route should use the waterway for at least the transportation of construction materials and raw materials. At present, inland waterway transport is the largest European carrier in the transport of construction materials (where the share is 39%) and has an important place in the transportation of grain and other agricultural products, and solid fuels, ores, liquid fuels and chemical raw materials and products. The biggest growth dynamics is the transport of containers. In cities with industrial enterprises are planned ports for the transshipment of local products, such as port Přerov, where services will certainly use the waterway as Přerovské strojírny (Přerov's Machine Works) and chemical plants.

Přístav Norimberk na průplavu Rýn-Mohan-Dunaj napovídá jak by mohly vypadat některé významné přístavy na D-O-L. 

Port of Nuremberg in the Rhine-Main-Danube suggests how they might look like some of the major ports on the D-O-E water corridor

Překládka v přístavu Norimberk na průplavu Rýn-Mohan-Dunaj 

Transhipment in port of Nuremberg at Rhine-Main-Danube waterway, which connects road, rail and water transport


Major ports and terminals on the water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe


Ports in City of Ostrava

The City of Ostrava with its developed industry, industrial, and metallurgical plants throughout the large Ostrava-Karviná district will have a major impact on the transportation of raw materials, products and goods by water corridor Danube-Oder-Elbe. For industry of Ostrava region becomes the construction of the waterway urgent. Waterway will allow that materials which industry needs will be provided cheaply and manufactured goods shipped efficiently. Central port is planned in Bohumín-Vrbice.


Port in City of Přerov

Přerov is a junction, the crossroads of rail corridors, important airport, in the coming years of motorway network, and planned water corridor D-O-E connecting the Elbe and the Oder to the Danube river. After the construction Přerov will also becoming an important crossroads of European waterways. Therefore, the planned port should link all transport modes and allow universal transshipment - road-rail-water-air transport.

Přerovský přístav 


Port in Otrokovice

The reservoir of Spytihněv weir is navigable until Otrokovice town. Direct section of river offers the establishment of the terminal in the vicinity of industrial plants (tires factory Barum-Continental, air factory with the airport, etc.). 

Přístav v otrokovicích v blízkosti letiště - vizualizace 


"Transcontinental Transit Terminal (T.T.T.)" Malacky (Slovakia)

The primary aims and objectives of the T.T.T. project  is to build a giant transport hub in Europe, the most important strategic position and also with the help of transport/transit of goods and raw materials expand trade cooperation between nations and continents. Gradually, the project is to promote successful, as evidenced is the fact that the T.T.T. project got into the transport development strategy of the Slovak Republic until 2020, prepared by the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of Slovak Republic. At the same time the official representatives of the Slovak Republic seeks international support in order to become one of the priority projects of the Danube strategy that arises under the auspices of the structures of the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional Policy (DG REGIO).

T.T.T. Malacky

T.T.T. - Water transportation

Project T.T.T. is based on the unique characteristics of the territory in including connection between North sea, Baltic sea with Black sea by the major European rivers Danube, Oder and Elbe. This important planned link the seas is nothing new because it was already under consideration and the known from the 14th century.

Shipping link Danube - Oder - Elbe (the D - O - E) is now part of the main inland waterways of international importance (E), which, in accordance with the Agreement on main inland waterways of international importance - AGN (Geneva, 1996) pass through the territory of Czech Republic two waterways:

E20 - River Elbe from the North Sea via Hamburg, Magdeburg, Usti nad Labem, Pardubice and Melnik - (link Elbe - Danube);

E30 - Swinoujscie - Szczecin - Odra River across from Szczecin through Wroclaw to Kozle - (link Oder - Danube).

The proposed solution of waterways in project T.T.T. will connect international Danube waterway through the corridor led to the Czech Republic via border river Moravia and in Slovakia by waterway directly to Bratislava.

Smart solution of T.T.T. project, based on the waterway, which proposes to implement through the waterway led from the watercourse of Morava continue by shipping channel in the territory of Záhorie. Waterway in this proposal combines residential and industrial area of T.T.T. through Danube with the planned Vah waterway to Zilina. Project T.T.T. include in its current solutions the industrial area for the production of Volkswagen cars in the Devínská Nová Ves and industrial parks Malacky, Lozorno and Zohor.

More at:  http://www.ttt-slovakia.eu/